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What We Do As a Campus Chapter

Our campus chapter works with the She's the First parent organization to help sponsor girls' education. Students from all majors, whether they are the first in their family to attend college or not, are encouraged to join our team if they are interested in participating. There are several options to get involved!



Fundraising is a big part of She's the First, as it directly allows us to help sponsor a girls education! Throughout the year, we plan and advertise for fundraisers on campus.


To help plan fundraisers, attend meetings and join our team! To stay up to date on when and where our next fundraiser will be, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.


What are some examples?

She's the First's #BakeforChange fundraiser incorporates bake sales and fundraising together. The #SweatforSTF fundraisers typically include some type of fitness!





General Meetings


She's the First *{Temple} holds general body meetings through the semester. To get information on when these are, join the listserv or email us at


Who can attend? Do I have to be first in my family?

General meetings include announcements, event planning, awareness events, current event discussions, and more. Meetings are open to Temple students from all majors, male or female, regardless if they are first in their families to attend college.

Awareness Events


In addition to meetings and fundraising, we work to raise awareness about girls' education on Temple's campus. This can include awareness events, web posts, postings on campus, and social media campigns.


What are some examples?

She's the First's #SweatforSTF campaign combines fitness, awareness, and fundraising. By challenging yourself for a few minutes with fitness, you can help others overcome the challenges they face when trying to go to school, or raise awareness.

Social Media


Social media is a big part of She's the First, both at the parent organization and at Temple. Through this, we can help raise awareness, let people know when our events are, and even encourage a conversation on the current obstacles involved with girls' education.


What should we post about?

It's important to remain informative while also being an effective advocate, as She's the First fundraises, but also works to empower the girls and raise awareness; in slight contrast to a typical charity, we emphasize awareness, advocacy, and ethical storytelling to help the girls the best we can.


Where can we follow?

To get updates or join in on the conversation, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. See the Connect page for links.



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